In Burns Avenue School, students are encouraged to take an active role in acquiring the numerous skills that are introduced on each Grade level. Emphasis is placed upon learning through hands-on experiences and interdisciplinary activities which link the curriculum areas and provide students with an in-depth understanding of our community and the world. Computer technology is also an integral part of our instructional program and staff members make use of a variety of programs to reinforce concepts and teach students how to utilize technology in research and writing assignments. Smart Boards, i-Pads, and videostreaming are also used by teachers to enhance their instructional programs.
Our diverse student population also has the opportunity of using numerous resources to develop their reading and writing skills. Anthologies, leveled readers, informational texts, and novels are used by teachers to develop the skills that are identified in the Common Core Standards in English Language Arts. A great deal of emphasis is also placed upon the Common Core Standards in Mathematics and teachers use manipulatives and programs such as Go Math and Touch Math to enhance computational and problem solving skills. Enrichment activities are also provided in the RISE Program, the Math Olympiad Program, Chorus, Band, and Orchestra.
The Burns Avenue PTA is also dedicated to supporting our instructional program. Each year, they fund Cultural Arts Programs for the children and coordinate evening activities to enrich our students' lives and involve parents in the school.
Burns Avenue School serves approximately two hundred seventy students in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. This year, we are also housing two half-day Pre-Kindergarten classes for four year old students in the District. We have been proudly educating our students since 1953 and we take great pride in their many accomplishments.