Committee Summaries
The Hicksville School District Curriculum Committee reviews and makes recommendations on proposals for adding, deleting, or modifying programs and courses such that instructional quality, curricular innovation and stakeholder fairness are achieved. Data will be used to inform decision making and to promote the continuous improvement of student outcomes. The Curriculum Committee operates in conjunction with the district's Site-Based Teams.
Finance and Budget
The Hicksville School District’s Finance Committee is comprised of a diverse representation of stakeholders who work with the District’s auditors to ensure the accuracy of the annual financial statements, review risk assessments, internal controls, and compliance with the accounting standards of the Federal Office of Management & Budget and the Office of the State Comptroller. In addition, the Committee is charged with the development a long-term financial plan that ensures the development of a fiscally prudent strategy for the efficient use of taxpayer funds while supporting the District’s goals & vision.
The Budget Committee brings together parents, teachers, administrators, board members and community stakeholders to participate in the development of the annual budget. Committee meetings are open to the public and meet monthly from January through May. The Budget Committee incorporates recommendations from the Curriculum Committee, including recommendations for programs and services to address the District’s Curriculum Goals, Facilities Committee, including recommendations for Capital and Maintenance projects, and Safety Committee, including recommended enhancements to the District’s security initiatives. The Committee also examines Revenue, including the calculation of the Tax Levy Cap, Fund Balance and Reserves.
The Hicksville Policy Committee meets monthly to oversee the review and/or development of Policies to ensure they comply with state and federal mandates, meet legal requirements, and are consistent with template Policies recommended by the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA).
The Committee reviews all template Policies provided by NYSSBA to determine necessary modifications to recommend to the Board of Education in support of District practices and in compliance with legal requirements. The Committee works closely with NYSSBA representatives and legal counsel for the District.
The Hicksville School District recognizes that a safe learning environment is of paramount importance in the educational process and believes that the health and safety of students, staff parents, and visitors is critical to the success of the school district. In keeping with this belief, the Board of Education Safety Committee’s mission is to identify, evaluate, and recommend action to mitigate or eliminate safety and health hazards; to oversee and coordinate safety, security, and health training and to review, evaluate, and take action on other timely safety, security and health related issues as required.
The Hicksville School District is entrusted with preserving and enriching all district properties balancing the needs of the school community with available resources. In keeping with this, the Board of Education Facilities and Bond Committee’s mission is to identity, evaluate, and recommend action on matters concerned with the maintenance and cost/energy efficient enhancements of buildings, lands, and equipment; and the planning, and implementation of long-term, maintenance of long-term, maintenance, capital and voter approved facility bonds.
Special Education Advisory Council
The Hicksville Special Education Parent Advisory Committee is comprised of parent, district and board members throughout the Hicksville UFSD. The basis for establishment of the advisory group is to increase opportunities for family engagement and collaboration. This committee will provide a forum for parents and staff to share ideas, identify concerns, and advise the district in order to improve special education services for children throughout the district.
The Hicksville School District's Wellness Committee is an action-oriented advisory group focusing on the health, nutrition and overall wellness of students, staff and families in our school community.
The goal is to increase collaboration of all stakeholders to; implement the district wellness policy, promote mental, physical and emotional health and nutrition initiatives, evaluate the implementation of the district wellness policies/programs and advise the school board and district on related school/community wellness issues. The Wellness Committee operates in conjunction with the district Shared Decision Making team and building level Site Based teams.