The Hicksville School District
Elementary Physical Education Program
New York State Commissioner’s Regulations require all students to be scheduled in Physical Education each week during each semester of the school year. Physical education is that area of the curriculum in which learning experiences are provided through the medium of motor movement. Physical education involves the social, emotional, intellectual and skill development of your child: Mind, Body and Spirit.
Students are required to attend all regularly scheduled classes. Children should be dressed safely and appropriately for physical education classes. Students, kindergarten through 5th grades must dress appropriately on days they have Physical Education. They will be unable to change their clothes in the locker room or classroom. They must come to school prepared to participate. Physical Education attire includes sweatpants or shorts (no zippers, big pockets or loops, and not denim), t-shirt or sweatshirt, socks, and thin soled athletic sneakers.
Students must not wear exposed jewelry during any phase of Physical Education class. Religious articles that may not be removed, should be tucked in, covered or secured with tape. Since elementary school students have difficulty removing pierced earrings, the students may wear posts if necessary but only if they have safety backs or are taped. Any hoop or dangling earrings may not be worn at any time.
Physical Education Offers...
“Physical Education is an important component of your child's education”
-Challenging and innovative activities for students which promote positive, lifelong, healthy attitudes and behaviors.
- Opportunities to develop skill-related fitness, such as: balance, coordination, agility, strength and speed.
- Opportunities to develop and maintain physical fitness, including cardio respiratory endurance, flexibility and muscular strength.
- Opportunities to learn and apply skills and knowledge in a wide range of sports and lifetimes activities.
-If you wish for your child to be excused from physical education activities, a written note is required to explain the situation. If the child is excused for more than two consecutive days when they have Physical Education, a doctor’s note is required. For extended absences a doctor’s note is required for your child to return to Physical Education class.